
Showing posts from July, 2021

E-Learning of XI English

KD 3.1 & 4.1:   This E-Learning is about analytical exposition text. Students can analyze and capture the meaning of analytical exposition text on topics that are hotly discussed in general. KD 3.2 & 4.2:   This E-Learning is about personal letters. Students can analyze, capture the meaning and compile the text of a personal letter, taking into account the social function, text structure, and linguistic elements that are correct and in context.

E-Learning of XII English (Elective)

KD 3.1 & 4.1: This E-Learning is about filling out a form. Students can distinguish and capture the meaning of forms in other companies or agencies by providing information related to identity and relevant information according to the context of its use. KD 3.2 & 4.2: This E-Learning is about discussion text. Students can analyze, capture the meaning and compile the discussion text of controversial and actual issues from several (at least two) points of view, according to the context of their use.

Fill Out A Form

  What is a form? The form is a document (printed or electronic) with some parts to show general or specific of someone based on its purpose. (Formulir adalah dokumen (cetak atau elektronik) dengan beberapa bagian untuk menunjukan informasi umum atau rinci dari seseorang yang harus diisi berdasarkan tujuan dari formular tersebut.   Social function There are some functions of form, such as: Ada beberapa fungsi sebuah formular, diantaranya: 1.       To give information about new students/employee 2.       To record a customer inquiry 3.       To make a reservation 4.       To collect opinions   Kind of forms There are many kinds of forms serving different purposes, such as: Ada banyak jenis formulir yang mempunyai berbagai fungsi, seperti: Purchase form  (Formulir pembelian) Order form  (Formulir pemesanan) Withdraw slip  (Slip penarikan) Deposit slip  (Sl...

Job Application Letter

What is a job application letter? A job application letter is a letter made by a job applicant for a certain position for acceptance in an agency. (Surat lamaran kerja adalah surat yang dibuat oleh pelamar kerja untuk suatu jabatan tertentu untuk diterima di suatu instansi).   Functions It is a communication tool between applicants and job recipients and an initial assessment tool whether they are suitable to be placed in the position. (Berfungsi sebagai alat komunikasi antara pelamar dan penerima pekerjaan dan alat penilaian awal apakah mereka cocok untuk ditempatkan pada posisi tersebut).   Structure Cover letter header the sender's name, city, country, phone number, email, recipient name, company name, and address. (nama pengirim, kota, negara, nomor telpon, email, nama penerima, nama perusahaan dan alamat). Dateline the date the letter was written, usually placed above the header or below the header. (tanggal pembuatan...