Narrative Text - Fase F



Exercise 1 - Narrative
Exercise 2 - Narrative
Exercise 3 - Narrative


Narrative text
is a type of text that tells a story or sequence of events in a chronological order. It can be fictional or nonfictional, and it's often used to entertain readers. 

The purpose of a narrative text
is to tell a story or recount a series of events in an engaging and entertaining way for the reader.

1. Orientation
Orientation sets the stage for the story. Ideally, the orientation should answer the questions “who,” “where, and “when.” So, when reading the orientation part, we should be able to identify the character and setting (both time and place) of the story.

2. Complication
This section contains the problems that occur within a story. It is divided into three parts, namely:
Rising action: Problems begin to emerge
Climax: Peak of the problem
Falling action: The tension of the problem begins to decrease, and the solution starts to emerge 

3. Resolution
The resolution is the part of the narrative where the conflict or problem introduced earlier in the story is resolved or addressed.  This may involve characters finding a solution to their issues, overcoming obstacles, or experiencing personal growth. The resolution helps tie up loose ends, providing closure for the reader and allowing them to see how the events of the story have impacted the characters.

4. Re-orientation / Evaluation
Re-orientation, also known as evaluation, is an optional component of a narrative text that serves to reflect on the story and its events, reinforcing the moral lesson or theme. 

This section typically appears at the end of the story, providing a summary or commentary on the characters’ experiences and the consequences of their actions.It helps the reader understand the significance of the story and encourages them to consider the message or lesson the author intended to convey.

Types of narrative texts:
There are lots of different kinds of narrative texts, such as:

1. Fictional narrative
A fictional narrative is a story that is not based on real events or real people. It can be a novel, short story, fable, or fairy tale.

2. Autobiography
An autobiography is a narrative text that tells the life story of the author, written from a first-person perspective.

3. Biography
A biography is a narrative text that tells the life story of someone other than the author, written from a third-person perspective.

4. Memoir
A memoir is a narrative text that focuses on a particular period or event in the author’s life, often written from a first-person perspective.

5. Legend
A legend is kind of a folklore. It’s a traditional story that has been passed on for generations – it often explains the origins of a particular culture or society.

  1. Theme is the basic idea of ​​the whole story.
  2. Plot is a story sequence, cause and effect relationship, or something that is chronological. There are forward, backward and mixed flows.
  3. Characterization does not just show people as characters, but also complete characters. Ways to describe character characteristics.
  4. Setting includes time, place and atmosphere.
  5. Point of view tells the story, whether he is in the first, second, third person, or as someone outside the story.
  6. Moral value often not conveyed textually, but can be understood when reading the short story in its entirety. However, messages can also be conveyed through dialogue.

Ants and Grasshoppers
by: Hengky Fairuz Bustomy

One morning, there was a group of ants who were working looking for food in the forest. They are very enthusiastic about working because the dry season will soon arrive. While he was working, the ant king met a grasshopper. At that time, the grasshopper was busy playing music. 

The ant king asked the grasshopper. “O grasshopper, why are you playing music? Don't you know that the dry season will soon arrive?" "Then, what should I do?" asked the grasshopper. "You have to look for food and drink, because when the dry season arrives, all the plants will die, and you won't be able to find water either. Because all the water will dry up, so, you have to prepare it from now on, so that later you don't regret it." said the ant king, reminding him. 

"Why do I have to do it, the dry season is still long, it's just that you are too enthusiastic ant, never mind, it's useless for me to talk to you" The grasshopper finally left the ant king. Time passed, the dry season didn't feel like it has arrived. The grasshopper was confused about where else to look for food, because he didn't find any plants but they were all dead. 

Finally, he decided to go to the ant's house, when he arrived at the ant's house, he had fainted because he was so hungry and thirsty. , one of the ants found it and brought the grasshopper into his house, after the grasshopper realized, he was treated to various kinds of food, fruit and drinks by the ant king and all his people. Finally, the grasshopper realized and promised, that from now on he will be more active in his work and will not be lazy.


Be active in work.


The sequence of story tells future, not past.


Ant King: Wise
Evidence in the story: "You have to look for food and drink, because when the dry season arrives, all the plants will die, because all the water has dried up. Because all the water has dried up, so, you have to prepare it from now on, so that you don't regret it later." The Ant King reminded him. 
Grasshopper: Lazy & stubborn
Evidence in the story: "Why should I do it, the dry season is still long, it's just that you are too enthusiastic ant. Never mind, it's useless talking to you.”


A. Place
Evidence in the story: "One morning, there was a group of ants looking for food in the middle of the forest."
Ant House
Evidence in the story: "Finally the grasshopper decided to go to the ant's house."
B. Time
Evidence in the story: "One morning, there was a group of ants looking for food in the middle of the forest."
Beginning of the dry season
Evidence in the story: "Time passed, it didn't feel like the dry season had arrived.
C. Atmosphere
Evidence in the story: "The grasshopper has fainted because he is so hungry and thirsty."

Point of view

Third person
Evidence in the story: While working, the Ant met the Grasshopper.

Moral value

There is a time to work and a time to play.


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