Narrative Text
Narrative text is a type of text that tells a chronological story in the past tense. Jadi, teks narasi menceritakan cerita imajinatif ataupun cerita nyata yang dimodifikasi, dan disusun melalui urutan kejadian yang terjadi di masa lalu.
Narrative text is to entertain the readers through the amusing story. Jika diartikan, tujuan narrative text adalah untuk menghibur para pembaca dengan ceritanya yang menarik.
Beberapa jenis teks narasi di antaranya:
· Fairy tale
fairy tale is a story for children involving magical events and imaginary
creatures. Jadi, Dongeng adalah cerita untuk anak-anak
yang berisi keajaiban dan makhluk
khayalan. Contoh: Timun Mas, Snow White, Thumbelina, dan Cinderella.
· Fable
Fable is a short story, typically with animals
as characters like a human. Jika
diartikan, fable adalah cerita pendek yang memiliki karakter utama berupa binatang seperti manusia. Contoh: Si Kancil,
the Frogs Asking for a King, etc.
· Legend
is a traditional story told about a particular person or place.
Jadi, legenda adalah cerita tradisional mengenai
orang atau asal muasal suatu tempat yang kebenarannya masih belum bisa
dipastikan. Contoh: Si Malin Kundang, Prambanan Temple, Sangkuriang, Wali Songo,
Tob Lake, etc.
· Myth
myth is a story to explain natural events or to justify religious beliefs or
social customs. Jika diartikan, mitos adalah cerita yang
menjelaskan peristiwa alam atau untuk
membenarkan kepercayaan agama atau kebiasaan sosial. Contoh: put stone in a
trouser pocket, opening an umbrella in the house, etc.
· Slice of life
Slice of life is a story centering on
normal people and the real drama that arises from everyday life. Penggalan
kehidupan adalah cerita yang berpusat
pada orang normal dan drama nyata yang muncul dari kehidupan sehari-hari. Contohnya
True friends.
The other kinds of narrative text are folklore, mystery, science fiction, horror story, romance, etc.
· Orientation
of characters, places, and times of events (setting). Jadi,
orientasi ini pengenalan tokoh,
tempat, dan waktu kejadian.
· Complication
that occur in a story. Komplikasi ini adalah permasalahan yang terjadi di dalam
sebuah cerita.
3 parts of complication, namely:
1) Rising action: Problems are starting to arise. Masalah mulai muncul.
Climax: The pinnacle of trouble. Puncak permasalahan.
Falling action: The tension of the problem begins to decrease, and begins to find a
solution point. Tekanan permasalahan mulai menurun, dan mulai menemukan
titik penyelesaian.
· Resolution
Completion or ending of a narrative
text story. A story can be closed with a happy ending, a sad ending, or a
hanging ending (cliffhanger). Jadi, bagian
ini, penyelesaian atau akhir dari
sebuah cerita teks narasi. Sebuah cerita bisa ditutup dengan akhir yang
menyenangkan, akhir yang menyedihkan, atau akhir yang menggantung.
· Re-orientation
a conclusion, a moral message (moral value), or a change in the character of
the end of the story. This reorientation does not always have to be. Berisi
kesimpulan, pesan moral (moral
value), atau perubahan karakter akhir cerita. Reorientasi tidak selalu harus ada.
· Past tense (killed, drunk, etc)
· Adverb
of time (Once upon a time, one day, etc)
· Time
conjunction (when, then, suddenly, etc)
· Specific
character. The character of the story is specific, not general. (Cinderella,
Snow White, Alibaba, etc)
· Action
verbs. A verb that shows action. (killed, dug, walked, etc)
· Direct
speech. It is to make the story lively. (Snow White said, “My name is Snow
White). Direct speech uses the present tense.
Crying Stone (Story from Kalimantan)
Once upon a time, in Kalimantan. There lived a mother with her daughter. The daughter was really a beautiful girl. But, she had a bad character. She was an arrogant, lazy girl. She never helped her mother to do some housework. She always admired her beauty every day.
The girl was also a spoiled girl, when she wanted something, his mother had to make it. The girl’s mother was really pitiful. She had to work day and night, but the girl was doing nothing.
One day, the girl and her mother went out. They wanted to buy something in the market. The location of the market was really far from home, so they had to walk miles away.
The girl was walking in front of her mother. She wore a beautiful dress. Meanwhile, her mother was walking behind the girl. The mother’s dress was dirty and ugly. She brought an umbrella. No one expected that the two people who walked were a mother and her daughter.
When they entered the village, the villagers saw the girl and admired her. They’re so amazed at the girl’s beauty. But, when they saw the woman who walked behind the girl they wondered. Who was the old woman?
One of the villagers asked the girl. “Hey, beautiful girl. Is that your mother who walks behind you?” asked one of the villagers.
The girl arrogantly said, “Of course no, she is my maid,” said the girl.
They continued the journey. And then, a young man met them and asked a question.
“Hey sweetie, is that your mother who walks behind you?” asked the young man.
“No… of course, no, can’t you see that? She’s really different from me. How could you say that she is my mother? She is my slave,” replied the girl.
Every time they walked, the girl said that the woman walking behind her was her maid/her slave. She never admitted that the woman is her mother.
The mother was really disappointed with her daughter. She couldn’t bear it. The girl’s saying hurt her heart. The poor mother finally prayed to God.
“Oh God, I can’t stand this. My daughter always humiliates me. I am so disappointed with her. Please give her punishment, God, please…” prayed for the mother.
With the Power of God, suddenly the girl’s body turned into a stone little by little. The changes in the body started from the leg and the other parts of the body. The girl cried and asked for help to her mother.
“Please forgive me mother…forgive my attitude…please mother…please help me,” cried the girl. But, it was too late. All of the girl’s body was turned into a stone.
Although of the girl’s body was turned into a stone, the people still could see that the stone was crying. The people called the stone “The Crying Stone”.
(Sumber: Kusrini. (2020). Indonesian Folklore 3 [PDF file]. Tersedia di aplikasi iPusnas.)
Orientation memuat perkenalan tokoh beserta latar ceritanya. Di bagian orientation, kita bisa melihat bahwa tokoh utamanya ialah “the girl” dan “the mother”. Latarnya berada di Kalimantan dan peristiwanya terjadi di suatu saat pada jaman dahulu (once upon a time). Di bagian tersebut juga dijelaskan watak dari tokoh “the girl” dan ibunya.
Di bagian complication, masalah dimulai dengan cerita di mana tokoh utama dan ibunya pergi ke pasar dan sang anak yang tidak mengakui ibunya saat ditanya oleh orang-orang. Konflik pun terjadi pada emosi sang ibu, dan klimaksnya terjadi saat ibu dari gadis itu merasa kecewa dan memohon pada Tuhan agar Tuhan menghukum putrinya.
Di akhir cerita, di bagian resolution, atau penyelesaian, Tuhan mengabulkan doa sang ibu. Si gadis berubah menjadi batu namun ia masih tetap menangis. Akhir dari cerita ini merupakan peristiwa yang tragis.
Narrative text is a type of text that tells a chronological story in the past tense. Jadi, teks narasi menceritakan cerita imajinatif ataupun cerita nyata yang dimodifikasi, dan disusun melalui urutan kejadian yang terjadi di masa lalu.
Narrative text is to entertain the readers through the amusing story. Jika diartikan, tujuan narrative text adalah untuk menghibur para pembaca dengan ceritanya yang menarik.
Beberapa jenis teks narasi di antaranya:
· Fairy tale
· Fable
· Legend
· Myth
· Slice of life
The other kinds of narrative text are folklore, mystery, science fiction, horror story, romance, etc.
· Orientation
· Complication
3 parts of complication, namely:
1) Rising action: Problems are starting to arise. Masalah mulai muncul.
· Resolution
· Re-orientation
· Past tense (killed, drunk, etc)
Crying Stone (Story from Kalimantan)
Once upon a time, in Kalimantan. There lived a mother with her daughter. The daughter was really a beautiful girl. But, she had a bad character. She was an arrogant, lazy girl. She never helped her mother to do some housework. She always admired her beauty every day.
The girl was also a spoiled girl, when she wanted something, his mother had to make it. The girl’s mother was really pitiful. She had to work day and night, but the girl was doing nothing.
One day, the girl and her mother went out. They wanted to buy something in the market. The location of the market was really far from home, so they had to walk miles away.
The girl was walking in front of her mother. She wore a beautiful dress. Meanwhile, her mother was walking behind the girl. The mother’s dress was dirty and ugly. She brought an umbrella. No one expected that the two people who walked were a mother and her daughter.
When they entered the village, the villagers saw the girl and admired her. They’re so amazed at the girl’s beauty. But, when they saw the woman who walked behind the girl they wondered. Who was the old woman?
One of the villagers asked the girl. “Hey, beautiful girl. Is that your mother who walks behind you?” asked one of the villagers.
The girl arrogantly said, “Of course no, she is my maid,” said the girl.
They continued the journey. And then, a young man met them and asked a question.
“Hey sweetie, is that your mother who walks behind you?” asked the young man.
“No… of course, no, can’t you see that? She’s really different from me. How could you say that she is my mother? She is my slave,” replied the girl.
Every time they walked, the girl said that the woman walking behind her was her maid/her slave. She never admitted that the woman is her mother.
The mother was really disappointed with her daughter. She couldn’t bear it. The girl’s saying hurt her heart. The poor mother finally prayed to God.
“Oh God, I can’t stand this. My daughter always humiliates me. I am so disappointed with her. Please give her punishment, God, please…” prayed for the mother.
With the Power of God, suddenly the girl’s body turned into a stone little by little. The changes in the body started from the leg and the other parts of the body. The girl cried and asked for help to her mother.
“Please forgive me mother…forgive my attitude…please mother…please help me,” cried the girl. But, it was too late. All of the girl’s body was turned into a stone.
Although of the girl’s body was turned into a stone, the people still could see that the stone was crying. The people called the stone “The Crying Stone”.
(Sumber: Kusrini. (2020). Indonesian Folklore 3 [PDF file]. Tersedia di aplikasi iPusnas.)
Orientation memuat perkenalan tokoh beserta latar ceritanya. Di bagian orientation, kita bisa melihat bahwa tokoh utamanya ialah “the girl” dan “the mother”. Latarnya berada di Kalimantan dan peristiwanya terjadi di suatu saat pada jaman dahulu (once upon a time). Di bagian tersebut juga dijelaskan watak dari tokoh “the girl” dan ibunya.
Di bagian complication, masalah dimulai dengan cerita di mana tokoh utama dan ibunya pergi ke pasar dan sang anak yang tidak mengakui ibunya saat ditanya oleh orang-orang. Konflik pun terjadi pada emosi sang ibu, dan klimaksnya terjadi saat ibu dari gadis itu merasa kecewa dan memohon pada Tuhan agar Tuhan menghukum putrinya.
Di akhir cerita, di bagian resolution, atau penyelesaian, Tuhan mengabulkan doa sang ibu. Si gadis berubah menjadi batu namun ia masih tetap menangis. Akhir dari cerita ini merupakan peristiwa yang tragis.