Argumentative Text



Argumentative text is a type of writing that uses evidence and facts to support a position on a topic.

Teks argumentatif adalah teks yang menggunakan bukti dan fakta untuk mendukung suatu posisi pada suatu topik.



Argumentative text is text that discusses a topic or question by developing arguments based on facts, data, logic and examples that are relevant from the author's point of view.

Argumentative text adalah teks yang membahas suatu topik atau pertanyaan dengan mengembangkan argumen berdasarkan fakta, data, logika, dan contoh yang relevan dari sudut pandang penulis.


C.      TYPES

Based on its form, argumentative text can be contained in various concepts. For example, essays, opinion articles, political speeches, and also debates.

Berdasarkan bentuknya, teks argumentasi memiliki berbagai konsep. Contohnya esai, artikel opini, pidato politik, dan juga debat.



1) Use Conjunction

Kata Penghubung

Misalnya: because, therefore, however, although, etc.


2) Use Emphatic Statements

Kalimat Penegasan

Misalnya: clearly, undoubtedly, certainly, obviously, etc.


3) Use Evaluative Language

Bahasa Evaluatif

Misalnya: argue, claim, suggest, assert, etc.


4) Use Transition Words

Kata Transisi

Misalnya: firstly, in addition, on the other hand, furthermore, etc.


5) Use Persuasive Language

Gaya Bahasa Persuasif

Misalnya: must, need to, it is essential that, should, etc.


6) Use Emotive Words

Kata-kata Emosional

Misalnya: outraged, heartbroken, inspiring, alarming, etc.


7) Use Simple Present Tense

Gunakan pola waktu saat ini atau sekarang

Misalnya: menggunakan verb 1, atau memakai verb are, is, do, does.



1) Hook: statement or question to pull reader attention

Do you throw plastic bag in the right place?


2) Background information: explanation why a text written

Plastic bag is one of the problems faced by Indonesian society.


3) Thesis: main ide which will explain

Plastic bag which is not managed properly and is piled up will cause environmental pollution.


1) Topic

In Indonesia, people are still using plastic bag in everyday life. Let’s see the data.


2) Supporting evidence

Making Oceans Plastic Free (2017) states that an average of 182.7 billion plastic bags are used in Indonesia every year.


3) Analysis

A study from Jenna R. Jambeck and friends (2015) states that at least 16 percent of plastic waste in the ocean comes from Indonesia.


Concluding remark

To conclude, it is not too late for us to start using cloth or paper bags.


F.      TEXT

Do you throw plastic bag in the right place? Plastic bag is one of the problems faced by Indonesian society. Plastic bag which is not managed properly and is piled up will cause environmental pollution.


In Indonesia, people are still using plastic bag in everyday life. Let’s see the data. Making Oceans Plastic Free (2017) states that an average of 182.7 billion plastic bags are used in Indonesia every year. A study from Jenna R. Jambeck and friends (2015) states that at least 16 percent of plastic waste in the ocean comes from Indonesia.


To conclude, it is not too late for us to start using cloth or paper bags.


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