
Descriptive Text

A. What is Descriptive Text? Descriptive text is text that aims to explain, illustrate, or describe something. It can take the form of anything, be it an animal, object, place, and so on. Teks deskripsi  adalah teks yang bertujuan menjelaskan, menggambarkan, atau mendeskripsikan sesuatu. Ini bentuknya bisa berupa apa saja, baik itu hewan, benda, tempat, dan lain sebagainya.   B. Generic Structure Identification adalah pendahuluan, berupa gambaran umum tentang suatu topik. Description berisi ciri-ciri khusus yang dimiliki benda, tempat, atau orang yang dideskripsikan. Misalnya sifat-sifat, tampilan fisik, dan hal lain yang dituliskan dengan spesifik atau detail. C. Ciri-ciri Tense yang digunakan yaitu Simple Present Tense. Hanya fokus pada satu objek.   D. Contoh Desriptive Text tentang Teman My Friend I have a perfect friend. His name is Shan. She is my classmate. She is a beautiful and kind friend. I have kn

Narrative Text - Fase F

  Exercises Exercise 1 - Narrative Exercise 2 - Narrative Exercise 3 - Narrative Lessons A. DEFINITION Narrative text is a type of text that tells a story or sequence of events in a chronological order. It can be fictional or nonfictional, and it's often used to entertain readers.  B. PURPPOSE The purpose of a narrative text is to tell a story or recount a series of events in an engaging and entertaining way for the reader. C. STRUCTURE 1. Orientation Orientation sets the stage for the story. Ideally, the orientation should answer the questions “who,” “where, and “when.” So, when reading the orientation part, we should be able to identify the character and setting (both time and place) of the story. 2. Complication This section contains the problems that occur within a story. It is divided into three parts, namely: Rising action: Problems begin to emerge Climax: Peak of the problem Falling action: The tension of the problem begins to decrease, and the solution starts to emerge  3

Open-Ended Question

An open-ended question is a question that can't be answered with a simple ‘Yes’ or ‘No’, and instead requires a longer, more detailed response.  Open-ended questions often start with "why", "how", or "what" and encourage participants to explore a topic by choosing what to share and how much detail to include.  There are some examples: - What are you thinking? - What is your opinion about … - Tell me about … - Can you tell us … - How do you … - How did it happen? Conversation 1 A: I'm having problems with my computer. B: Tell me about the problem. A: For some reason it won't turn on. B: What have you checked the connections on your computer? A: What connections? B: Some cords connect your computer to a power outlet. A: What will the cords keep it from turning on? B: It won't turn on if the cords aren't connected. A: I didn't think of that. B: Try it and see if it works. A: I think that I will, thanks. B: It should work,

English Elective XII

This is the list of English Elective XII: Learning Activity - M Learning Activity - E (1) Learning Activity - R (1) Learning Activity - D Learning Activity - E (2) Learning Activity - K Learning Activity - A (1) Learning Activity - B Learning Activity - E (3) Learning Activity - L Learning Activity - A (2) Learning Activity - J Learning Activity - A (3) Learning Activity - R (2)  

English XI - Phase F

This is the list of English XI -Phase F: Exercise 01  

Pendidikan Guru Pengerak Angkatan 11

  Modul 1.1. Refleksi Filosofis Pendidikan Nasional Ki Hadjar Dewantara

Review Text

  A) DEFINITION Review text is a text that provides an assessment of a work, product or service, with the aim of providing criticism and assessment.   Jadi, teks ulasan adalah teks ulasan yang memberikan penilaian terhadap suatu karya, produk, atau jasa, yang bertujuan memberikan kritik dan penilaian.   B) STRUCTURE 1) Orientation Penjelasan umum film yang dibahas, seperti judul, sutradara, genre, tahun rilis, pemain dan lainnya. 2) Evaluation Penjelasan rinci film yang sedang dibahas, bisa berupa synopsis, karakter pemain dan lainnya. 3) Interpretative recount Penyampaian pendapat penulis kritik, kekurangan, kelebihan dan perbandingan dengan film lain. 4) Summative evaluation Kesimpulan berisi pendapat akhir penulis layak atau tidaknya ditonton.   C) LANGUAGE FEATURE Kaidah kebahasaan yang digunakan: 1)   Simple present tense 2)   Adjectives 3)   Methapor dan idiom   D) EXAMPLE DILAN 1991 FILM Orientation Dilan 1991 is directed by Fajar Bustomi. This romance film, released in 2019, st